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As passionate advocates for literacy issues, we've partnered with the Wyoming Tribune Eagle to share our message with a statewide audience. Check back often for new columns, reprinted with permission here. 

Michael Cummo/Wyoming Tribune Eagle

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Point and Counterpoint: An Expert's Response to Todd Reynolds

by Dr. Steve Dykstra, October 21, 2020

On October 1, 2020, University of Wyoming assistant professor Dr. Todd Reynolds wrote an op-ed in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle attacking the credibility of WY Lit and evidence-based literacy advocates in Wyoming. (Download and read that editorial here) Read Dr. Steve Dykstra's response, a psychologist with over 25 years of experience serving some of the most challenging mental health cases involving children to include literacy instruction failure.

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Parents should push LCSD1 to better teach kids to read

by Megan Hesser, September 23, 2020

Are you ok with the fact that 57% of LCSD1 fourth graders are struggling readers who are likely to leave high school still struggling? I’m not. According to 2019 WY-TOPP, only 43% of LCSD1 fourth graders are reading at grade level proficiency.

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OG approach to reading instruction can benefit all children

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, August 27, 2020

The OG approach—Orton Gillingham—is the proven approach to reading instruction that all schools should be utilizing. Here's what to know about how it works.

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Tests help us understand why a child struggles with reading

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, January 28, 2020

Understanding the right questions to ask when assessing a child's reading progress can mean the difference between reading success and failure.

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Focus on phonics has increased reading test scores

by Sonya Tysdal and Mary Myers, February 11, 2020

Weston County School District #1 Curriculum Director Sonya Tysdal and Weston County School District #1 K-12 Literacy Instruction Facilitator Mary Myers know firsthand the benefits of the science of reading.

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Association between reading research and instruction often lacking

by Kay Fabricus and Jen Huelskamp, February 25, 2020

Fremont County educators Kay Fabricus and Jen Huelskamp questioned the effectiveness of their approach to teaching reading and discovered the science of reading—and the world was never the same.

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Wyoming can do better for students with dyslexia

by Dondi Tondro-Smith, March 10, 2020

Being backed into an educational corner is a nightmare for parents of children with common learning disabilities like dyslexia. Dondi Tondro-Smith shares her family's journey.

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Tips for homeschooling your struggling reader

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, March 24, 2020

It can be overwhelming to know where to begin to help a struggling reader. Heather Fleming and Kari Roden have been there and want to help.

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With gratitude to our teachers during this difficult time

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, April 7, 2020

We want to begin by expressing enormous gratitude to our dedicated, tireless Wyoming teachers who have been asked to essentially re-create the education wheel with limited guidance or frameworks within which to make decisions and plan.

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Phonemic Awareness: You can do it in the dark

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, April 21, 2020

Reading research has shown that phonemic awareness is the most reliable early predictor of a child’s reading ability, a better predictor than even a child’s IQ.

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Phonics: How do you spell that sound?

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, May 12, 2020

In order to read and spell, children have to be able to quickly and accurately apply their knowledge of sound-letter relationships. But what happens when that explicit, systematic instruction is threatened?

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For better readers, work to build vocabulary, background knowledge

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, May 28, 2020

Kids who can’t read, don’t, and their vocabulary and background knowledge suffer. Knowledge gaps deepen with time and cause kids to struggle to understand what they read in every subject. It doesn't have to be this way.

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Clearing up some common misconceptions about dyslexia

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, June 11, 2020

It's time to clear up a few misconceptions related to the diagnosis of dyslexia, the use of the word dyslexia by schools, and screening for signs of or risk factors related to developing dyslexia. Misinformation about these topics is an unnecessary source of conflict and frustration between families and schools.

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Reading comprehension is an outcome, not one specific skill

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, July 9, 2020

Reading Comprehension (RC) is a complex and often oversimplified term. RC is an outcome, not one specific skill. When we understand the distinction, it is far more likely to achieve.

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Embracing Literacy Conference designed for teachers, parents

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, July 23, 2020

If you teach or parent a child who is learning to read, the Embracing Literacy Conference was designed with you in mind.

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The cost of ignoring the science of reading

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, January 14, 2020

Poor readers don't just "catch up."  The health and economic outcomes of reading failure are overwhelming.

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Dyslexia common cause of difficulty across languages

by Heather Fleming and Kari Roden, December 31, 2019

Dyslexia is the most common cause of reading, writing, and spelling difficulties across languages. But that's just part of the story.

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WY Lit founders promote evidence-based reading instruction

by Elizabeth Samson for the Wyoming Tribune Eagle, December 8, 2019

WY Lit founders Heather Fleming and Kari Roden discuss the origins of WY Lit and the impact they expect to make on dyslexia support and literacy instruction in Wyoming.

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